
36 Days of Type

36 Days of Type: Roxy.otf

2021, Brooklyn NY
3D-Printed typeface

I designed and 3D printed the typeface ‘Roxy’ during the 2021 edition of 36 Days of Type. This typeface was inspired by found forms and every letter was designed differently, each form offering its opportunity for play. 

After drawing the upper and lower case letterforms in my sketchbook, I would clean them up on my iPad, vectorize, extrude, slice, and print the letters on my Creality ender 3 V2, walk up to my roof, and take a photo at about 5:15 pm every day. The typeface was made functional using Fontself.

Many friends have been part of the creation of Roxy. Every letter has been reviewed by my roommates, and our favorite game for people with fresh eyes is to reach into the box of 3D letters and guess the letterform. Sometimes it’s obvious, sometimes not, and many of these arguments have led to alternate glyphs for letters. When trying to decide on a name, we laid out some favorite letters on our coffee table, and ‘Roxy’ was born.  

Thank you to everyone who had a hand in this process.

Roxy Typeface

Includes 2 family styles of ‘Roxy’

Roxy-Regular: flat funky letterforms
Roxy-Foxy Extruded: isometric color font that recreates the white 3D printed forms

Character set for both styles include upper and lowercase letters, numerals 0-9 and, some punctuation marks (.,”’:;!?&-–) and alts for M,N,R,W,Y,t,u,w,9


This project could not have been created in isolation. Thanks to many tutorials, design inspirations, and patient friends these 3D forms were able to be created.

Download the .obj files to experiment with these letterforms on your own! I’d love to see what you make. Email any images/files to ocrosbydesign@gmail.com
